Colourful art on your fabric - screen printing

2014 01 01

Colourful art on your fabric - screen printing

Screen printing is a unique and creative way of transferring different images onto fabric. The technique is widely used in both art and commercial production, such as the creation of original t-shirts, posters and even artwork. In this article, we take a closer look at the nature, process and applications of screen printing.

The fusion of art and craft

Screen printing is a process that uses a special mesh material, usually stretched over a frame, to transfer ink onto a selected surface. This technique allows the transfer of both simple and highly complex images with a high level of detail. Screen printing can be applied to a variety of surfaces including paper, plastic, glass and, of course, fabric.

The screen printing process: From idea to realisation

The screen printing process begins with the creation of a design which is then transferred to a special photosensitive emulsion which is applied to a mesh. By illuminating this emulsion, the non-illuminated areas remain opaque to the ink. The ink is then transferred through the mesh onto the fabric using a spatula, allowing the ink to penetrate the areas of the mesh not covered by the emulsion. This allows high quality, durable and colourful images to be produced on the fabric.

Screen printing in business and art

Screen printing is highly valued for its flexibility and ability to create unique, high quality prints. It is the perfect choice for businesses looking to produce original promotional T-shirts, hats, rucksacks or other souvenirs. Screen printing is also used in the arts, allowing artists to express their creativity on a variety of surfaces.

Screen printing as a creative and expressive medium

Screen printing is not only an ancient craft, but also a modern means of expression. It offers the opportunity to create versatile, original and durable works for both commercial and artistic purposes. The technique allows everyone to express themselves by giving them the ability to transfer any image onto a variety of surfaces, adding uniqueness to everyday objects or creating unique works of art.